What is Kyokushin? ‘Ultimate Truth’, found through honing of mind, body and spirit; also known as ‘Strongest Karate’.
Kanzen Karate Dojo is a traditional kyokushinkai dojo, with a line of succession directly to Mas Oyama, through Power Karate in Australia and Zen Kyokushin in Japan. Your Instructor will guide you through your training to condition the body, cultivate the mind and nurture the spirit, to ultimately find the truth within the Martial Arts.
We do not discriminate based on ethnicity, race, nationality, politics, philosophy, religion or sex and recognize the same rights for all.
Read more about Kyokushin and the search for truth

The heart of our karate is real fighting.
There can be no proof without real fighting.
Without proof there can be no trust.
Without trust there can be no respect.
This is a definition in the world of Martial Arts
- Masutatsu Oyama

The core philosophy of Kanzen Karate is Courage, Respect and Honesty. We believe these core values are developed through conscientious training. The training is Kyokushin Karate as taught by Mas Oyama and handed down directly by his students.
We practice within the three pillars of Mind, Technique and Body and aim for continuous improvement in all aspects.
Whether your interest is Wellness, Self Defence or Sport Karate, our Karate is for you!
Power Karate operates multiple dojos around Australia, including a full time facility in Sydney. All dojos are operated by highly qualified Kyokushin Black Belts who teach under the guidance of Kyokushin Master James Phillips.
Your Head Instructor has over 30 years of experience in Kyokushinkai, including over 20 years working with Kyoshi Jim, one of Australia’s best-known practitioners and coaches.
Kanzen Karate values Courage, Respect and Honesty. OSU